Course Introduction and Goals

Congratulations! By choosing to learn Spanish (español) you are connecting to a community of over 320 million people in more than 22 countries across the world. I will be your guide as we discover and practice the language and culture of Spanish. This syllabus and website will aid you throughout the year by providing important itinerary for our stops on the journey.

Course Overview:
I want you to be taught explicitly some strategies for foreign language learning, but I also want you to experience language in a very natural mundane way through our daily interactions and obligations, in the same way you probably learned English at home. I hope to do this by having a particular method of focus for each day, and by requiring you to use Spanish as much as you can tolerate (including when asking for help or for permission to leave class, etc.).

My broad goal is for you to find a purpose for using Spanish outside the classroom: to connect with people, to explore careers in foreign language, to consider international or cross-cultural missions, etc. I also hope that you learn to enjoy language and use language in a clean and meaningful way.

Note: you should have received a syllabus on the first day that outlines classroom expectations, grade distributions, and content for the course.  If you lost your copy, please see me or send a message to get a new one.